成立於1999年。橘園以「In Art We Trust」為經營的核心理念,並以「藝術先行者」自許,期待透過藝術的傳遞,以藝術利益眾生,讓人們的生活更美好。
L’Orangerie was founded on April 1, 1999.For more than a decade, its team with tangible performance has earned themselves invaluable experiences, as well as considerable achievements and capabilities in the art field, demonstrating on curatorship by introducing large-scale international exhibitions, operating art gallery, planning public art installation, and managing alternative spaces of cultural and creative industry. Taking ‘In Art We Trust’ as a core belief and acting a role as an art promoter, L’Orangerie wishes to communicate a diversity of arts, so as to serve the public and make their lives better….