成立於1999年。橘園以「In Art We Trust」為經營的核心理念,並以「藝術先行者」自許,期待透過藝術的傳遞,以藝術利益眾生,讓人們的生活更美好。


L’Orangerie was founded on April 1, 1999.For more than a decade, its team with tangible performance has earned themselves invaluable experiences, as well as considerable achievements and capabilities in the art field, demonstrating on curatorship by introducing large-scale international exhibitions, operating art gallery, planning public art installation, and managing alternative spaces of cultural and creative industry. Taking ‘In Art We Trust’ as a core belief and acting a role as an art promoter, L’Orangerie wishes to communicate a diversity of arts, so as to serve the public and make their lives better….


  • 引進國外重量級、優質的展覽到台灣,拓展國內民眾的藝文視野。
  • 將本土優秀的藝術家及展覽推廣到國際舞台,促進台灣藝文與國際的交流。
  • 在「藝企」與「異業」之間扮演橋樑的中間角色。
  • 在場域經營的專業領域中,創建特色與品味。
  • 與全球的美術館、策展人、藝術家、收藏家建立關係,帶動台灣藝術產業形成的可能性。
  • 有系統研究國內、外藝術品典藏,提供具深度與專業的藝術經紀和蒐藏顧問。
    A. Curating, marketing planning and executing on art projects in museums.
    B. Planning, marketing and implementing for cultural and artistic sites.
    C. Planning, curating and executing on public art projects and art festivals.