關於大型美術館的展覽營運,橘園策展團隊在臺灣也有過豐富的經驗,而且每一場展覽都有超過十萬人次以上的參觀人口,如:2001年與法國羅浮宮合作的大型展覽「文明曙光-美索布達米亞古文物 展」,在臺北的國立歷史博物館展出。2005年與中國敦煌研究院、國立臺南藝術大學合作的「荒漠傳奇璀璨再現-敦煌藝術大展」,分別在臺北的國立歷史博物館和高雄市立美術館展出。2006年與德國威查設計美術館合作的「丹麥設計大師-維諾,潘頓作品回顧展」,在臺中文化創意產業園區的國際展覽館。
橘園策展團隊確實有豐富的策展經驗,同時在展覽 行銷與現場管理上,也因為團隊中包括展覽規劃、藝術行政、行銷策略、展覽營運與管理等專業人才,在經歷過多次的實際演練和累積之後,已經可以完美的詮釋展覽,為展覽規劃 最佳的媒體策略,吸引觀眾進入美術館,創造高標的觀看人口,達到透過藝術傳達美的理念,讓民眾生活更美好的經營目標。

Exhibition Projects

With regard to the management of large museums’ exhibitions, L’Orangerie also has had fruitful experiences in Taiwan. Each exhibition it organised usually pulled in a large audience with more than 100,000 person-times; for instance, the 200’s exhibition ‘La Mesopotamie : entre le Tigre et L’euphrate’ displayed at the National Museum of History (Taipei, Taiwan) was planned by L’Orangerie and co-hosted by the Louvre Museum (Paris, France), the 2005’s ‘From the Forgotten Deserts : Centuries of Dazzling Dunhuang Art’ respectively displayed at the National Museum of History and at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) was a tour exhibition collaborated with the Dunhuang Academy China and the Tainan National University of the Arts. Moreover, in 2006, L’Orangerie worked with the Vitra Design Museum (Weil am Rhein, Germany) to organise the exhibition ‘Verner Panton-The Collected Works’ displayed at the Taichung Cultural & Creative Industries Park (Taichung, Taiwan).
L’Orangerie for certain have abundant experiences in curatorship. Because there are in its professional team a wealth of talents in the areas of exhibition planning, art administration, marketing strategy, on-site management and business operation, it now can flawlessly interpret the exhibitions; meanwhile, by scheming out the best media tactic, it can also fascinate the public to visit the museums, and to produce high rate of viewership. Through arts it successfully conveys the concept of aesthetics, and finally accomplishes the goal of making the general populace’s lives even more better.